The fast trains of Europe rock. In 3 scenic hours we arrived in Geneva, from Paris. We had a lovely visit with my uncle Jasper who always has great perspectives on life. He’s an athlete and long time CERN physicist. Turns out he’s also an occasional CERN tour guide to rockstars!!! Some of the biggest bands in the world (Metallica!!) ask for CERN tours when they play in Geneva. Funniest story was about a world famous drummer who kept telling him “you have the coolest job” which led to “no YOU have the coolest job”, “no YOU”, ”no YOU”. My Dad was a physicist too. Both were inspired to pursue careers in science by their highshool teacher, Mr Lumley, in Manchester in the 50’s and 60’s. We would visit this man in the 80’s on family trips to the UK. I thought it was the weirdest thing. Now I appreciate the awesomeness that one human so deeply impacted others. I grew up in a home that worshipped science, as did my cousins. Our time with Jasper included yummy meals and local walks. Then off to the Alps.
One of my oldest and greatest friends is a Belgian that married an Austrian, had four kids, and lives in Verbier. Sophie. And Roman. They are mega mountain athletes, world travelers and more. Sophie and I were exchange partners at ages 14/15. We stayed in their utterly Swiss Chalet and indulged in all the magic of the region. Local thermal baths. Indoor climbing. Trail running. Outdoor CrossFit. High alpine lift-accessed hiking. Cold lake skinny dipping. Swiss Fondue. Delicious home cooked meals. Slacklining, and more skacklining. Trampolining, with real springs!! So grateful for Sophie and Roman’s generosity and inspiration.
We went to Chamonix for a day. Ate. Shopped. Rode the gondola to the Aiguille de Midi which overlooks “the roof of Europe”. Majestic views of snowfields, glaciers, seracs and Mt Blanc. Clouds parted as we reached the Aiguille to reveal the breathtaking glaciated alpine terrain. The instant access is surreal. Hazel gasps “this is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen”.
Best of all for me was reconnecting with someone who knows me so well, with whom I have many shared values, beliefs, and interests including fitness and mountain sports!! Sophie!!! We had so many conversations about life, love, motherhood, adventure, sports, health, self discovery and more. My heart is full.
And, in the “never a dull moment” category, just minutes before leaving we realized I’d killed the Land Rover battery, doh :( In a spark of brilliance Sophie shuttled us in two speedy rides on their 4-wheeler to the gondola which we rode to the train. Here are the kids leaving Verbier in memorable style!! Au revoir Sophie et Verbier!!

P.s. Having spent so many years in pursuit of self-improvement of myself and others, I went into this world trip with no particular growth objective or goal. I just wanted to “be” and deeply experience the journey … and listen to my body, mind and heart for whatever bubbled up. In the last two weeks the quote below has hit me from two different sources. ‘Unbecoming what isn’t you’. Yes!! Sophie nudged me to read chapter 17 of Attia’s book Outlive, which ends with the quote. So it was literally hand delivered to me by a great friend. OK friendly universe, you got my attention.
“Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.” - Paulo Coelho