We are in the groove now. Surf, shower, eat, sleep, repeat. Finding the groove takes me a few days. At my core I’m a mountain person. I must adapt to embrace so much warm sunshine and salt water!! It’s a beautiful and unnatural habitat ;) I committed to my Half Moon Bay surf lessons after nearly two decades in California. I was embracing the fact my mountain soul was living on the coast, maybe forever. ‘Be coastal sporty’ I thought. Less than a year later I was living in a ski town on the Wasatch Back. Life is funny sometimes.
Justin is with us now. If you don’t know, he is an extraordinary cook. Being apart from him, we all deeply missed his vegetables, his passion for vegetables, and in particular his green vegetables. For all the vegetable complaints from the kids over the years, maybe we just needed to deny them good vegetables for a week to stoke the desire? Food is definitely a love language in our family.
I’m getting beyond shore ripples now, to bigger small waves ;) everyone in the fam is finding their surf mojo. I’m writing this while laying in bed listening to Jack Johnson. Life is good.
Went for a family evening stroll. The evening stroll lives on!!!
My photos, by design, are an attempt to capture the beauty around here. Justin posted something on Instagram that prompts me to acknowledge that Imsouane is also full of stray animals, poor construction, garbage and other less savory things. Leaving the first world opens the door to the reality of how a lot of people live on this planet. And … stray dogs also means stray puppies which are gosh-darn cute. Unrelated, stop signs in Arabic are cool.
Had an absolute rager of a sunset one night. There’s actually a flock of birds in the big photo below!! At first I just thought it was the dirt on my iPad ;) The sun has almost set on our time here.